A Short Hike is an open world exploration game created by adamgryu with music by Mark Sparling released in 2019.
The goal of the game is simple, climbing up a mountain, and like it's name suggests, it's a short hike, reaching the top would likely only take about an hour or so and it's not difficult to do so either.
What sets A Short Hike apart from it's simple and intuitive controls and relaxing music is the organic way the game encourages exploration.
When the game starts, you can't make a straight beeline for the summit, you don't have the number of golden feathers required to make it to the top, and so you're going to have to explore the island to find and dig up coins to get the number of golden feathers required.
Now these are of course spread out throughout the island, to complete the main objective of the game, the player has likely already explored parts of the island.
When the player reaches the top of the mountain, they will have quite a few golden feathers and since they haven't fully explored some parts of the island, why not go and see what else is around.
Players who explore can encounter and complete various activities around the island like,
Parkour Racing
As well as a couple of others scattered around the island.
Why not go and see what else is around.
There is no map, no markers telling you where to go, no quest objectives, the game gives you a goal, climb the mountain, and leaves you to figure out how to do it. While also encouraging you to see the rest of the things you haven't found yet.
Other than the exploration, the art style is just charming, there is this minimalist painterly feel to the graphics. (you can change how much the graphics filters affect the game, though this point goes for any graphics settings)
And it's a nice relaxing game to just kick back and play, once you explore enough and collect enough golden feathers, the freedom from being able to climb just about anything and reach spots you couldn't explore before is really satisfying.
It's available on a bunch of platforms for about $8 - $8.50SGD and I personally feel it's well worth the price, a fantastic casual game.