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Dungeon Boredom

“ Come on, Lisane, we don’t have much time!”

Everyone was in a rush to try and get things done, we only had a few hours left before the chosen one woke up.

“ Get those fire demons out of their cages!” Elder Melrum, the village leader, commanded as the fire demons rushed out of their cages.

Lisane and I were helping to bring in some of the less powerful creatures into the dungeon like slimes and hapries.

These dungeons full of monsters have been a growing pain for a long time, thus, we were excited to find that the chosen one, a brave warrior, was going to stay for a while and help out with the dungeon problem.

“ You know Edmund, when they said, we don’t have much time!, I did not realize how much we had to prepare.” Lisane said as she burrowed in the slimes to the third room of the dungeon.

“ Well Lisane, the chosen one works fast, the other villages told us much, you should have seen how fast he ran around town asking for work.”

Our village was the latest one to suffer from their impatient demeanor, there were horrific stories of the chosen one lashing out when they did not have their fill of excitement.

And some even more horrific than those.

We were almost ready with the restocking. We just needed a few more…

“ Good gods, the chosen one is awake early! Our scouts spotted them heading this way with their comrades! Quickly finish up the preparations!”

Lisane and I quickened our steps, we could not risk any staleness in the dungeon, not lest the village suffers.

We dropped off more harpies and smiles as the time of reckoning awaited us.

“ Close the gates, the heroes are coming!”

“ Wait, we still need to…”

“ Lisane, We need to get out now!”

The rest of the villagers hurried out of the dungeon, But Lisane and I were not done with the front of the dungeon yet, we still needed just a few more harpies.

Everyone was rushing out the dungeon around us as we continued to release harpies as quickly as we could, 1, 2, 3, we can do this.

“ Close the doors, the heroes are coming!”

We were in trouble, we still had a few harpies left to release.

“ How much longer can we delay!” I shouted at the person at the door.

“ Not long, quickly finish whatever it is you are doing!”

As Lisane and I released the last three harpies as time ticked by...Alright two of the harpies released, now we just have one…

“ Close the doors now!”

We had to make a run for it, Lisane quickly released the lock on the last cage and the harpy rushed out, there was no time to carry the cage out the door so we hid it around the back of one of the stone pillars and rushed out the door.

The door closed as we rushed into the nearby bushes as the chosen one and his companions arrived.

“ Alright, El, you ready for your trial dungeon? we’ve run through this a hundred times so don’t worry too much, just make sure to heal us.”

The group walked up to the dungeon door which unfortunately was left slightly agape due to our swift exit but thought nothing of it.

They walked into the dungeon and started their usual routine, we breathed a sigh of relief, we dodged an arr…

“ Has anyone noticed this cage here before?” One of his companions shouted.

“ Hmm, maybe the dev team are setting up some sort of unlockable quest line? We could try listening to the dialogue of the NPCs.”

“Confound it.” Lisane whispered to me.

Looks like we have our work cut out for us.

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